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"As we have received, so we GIVE
with thankful hearts."
Did you know you can now make a one time or recurring donation to Cormorant Lutheran Church with your Smart Phone?
Simply download the FREE app "Vanco Mobile" from the App Store or Google Play.
Search for "Cormorant Lutheran Church" or with our zip code (56554) and follow the prompts to enter your bank routing and checking/savings account information.
It's safe. It's secure. It's EASY!
We hope that you enjoy this new way to donate to our ministry!
Please Note: You do not need to be a member of Cormorant Lutheran Church to use this service.
Text to Give Option
Use 218-209-4694 to Text to Give to CLC!
Mail your gifts to:
Cormorant Lutheran Church
14314 Co Hwy 4
Lake Park, MN 56554
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